Artadi’s ’08 “Vinas de Gain” Tempranillo

This wine is in a single varietal Tempranillo from the Rioja Alavesa region of Spain. The color is eye catching.  Violet and semi opaque.  While still relatively light-medium bodied, it holds up well to what I could suggest pairing it with.  There is an earthiness in the finish that would temper some spicy tastings with it.   For instance, I was in one of my favorite cities, SF, a few months back and stopped off in a great tapas bar in the SOMA district called Thirsty Bear.  This wine would go well with some of their spicier tapas.  Do they do take out? Lucky for you SF locals, yes they do 🙂  For the rest of us, Google tapas and pick some of the spicier choices.  Or if you aren’t a cook, add restaurant to that Google search.  Either way works.  Don’t forget to order this wine first.

For more info on the Artardi winery, started in 1985 and the region in which this wine is grown go to